Meet-Cute ideas for Fantasy Romance Stories
Laney Betford Laney Betford

Meet-Cute ideas for Fantasy Romance Stories

In a fantasy novel, the possibilities for a meet cute are even more vast, with magical creatures, alternate dimensions, and mystical artifacts all in play. Mixing romance and fantasy together provides the perfect opportunity to create unique and captivating meet-cutes that will keep readers hooked from the very beginning.

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Mixing Romance with Fantasy
Laney Betford Laney Betford

Mixing Romance with Fantasy

When the two genres are combined, the result is an even more captivating tale that is full of adventure, magic, and romance.

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Habits of a Successful Writer
Laney Betford Laney Betford

Habits of a Successful Writer

Writing can be a challenging and often frustrating process. Still, successful fiction writers tend to see failure as an opportunity to learn and improve rather than a reason to give up.

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Writing a Scene in Your Story
Laney Betford Laney Betford

Writing a Scene in Your Story

Take some time to visualize the details of the environment and the characters involved. Once you have a clear picture in your mind, create a few sentences that introduce the scene and the characters and provide an overview of the action.

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Different Types of Publishing
Laney Betford Laney Betford

Different Types of Publishing

There are many different types of publishing for your fiction book. Each has its own set of pros and cons. Ultimately, the best option for you depends on your specific goals and needs.

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5 Ways to Get Over Writers Block
Laney Betford Laney Betford

5 Ways to Get Over Writers Block

Writer's block is a common issue among writers of all kinds. It can happen to anyone, regardless of experience or skill level. It is a condition in which a writer has difficulty producing new work or ideas, or is unable to continue a project that they have started.

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5 Myths About Writing
Laney Betford Laney Betford

5 Myths About Writing

Writing is often seen as a difficult and overwhelming task, and it can be. However, there are a few common myths that can make the writing process even more intimidating.

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