Mixing Romance with Fantasy

Love and fantasy are two genres that have captivated readers for centuries. Individually, they offer a plethora of unique and engaging stories. However, when the two genres are combined, the result is an even more captivating tale that is full of adventure, magic, and romance. Mixing romance and fantasy together is not a new concept, but it continues to be a popular choice for writers and readers alike.  

Create a Unique Fantasy World

To create a fantasy romance, you need to first establish the world in which the story takes place. This world should be imaginative and distinct, with unique elements that set it apart from the real world.


Establish the Rules of the World

Once you have created your fantasy world, you need to establish the rules that govern it. These rules can include things like magic, mythical creatures, and other supernatural elements that will play a role in your story.


Develop your Characters

To create a compelling romance, you need to have well-developed characters that readers can connect with. Make sure your main characters have unique personalities and motivations, and that their actions are consistent with their character traits.


Create Romantic Tension

Romance is all about tension and conflict. Create obstacles that keep your characters apart and build up the tension until they finally come together.


Use Fantasy Elements to Enhance the Romance

Use the supernatural elements of your fantasy world to enhance the romance. For example, you could have your characters use magic to express their love or have them battle supernatural forces in order to be together.


Balance the Romance and Fantasy Elements

It's important to balance the romance and fantasy elements of your story. Too much focus on the romance can make the fantasy elements feel tacked on, while too much focus on the fantasy can detract from the romance. Find the right balance for your story.


The combination of romance and fantasy in a novel is a powerful one. When done well, it can create a world full of magic and adventure, with a romance at the heart of it all. The possibilities are endless when it comes to creating a unique and captivating story that merges these two genres. Whether it's an epic tale of forbidden love between magical creatures, or a more subtle story of love blooming in a fantastical world, there is something for everyone when it comes to mixing romance and fantasy. So the next time you're looking for a great read, why not try a novel that combines these two genres and see for yourself why it's such a winning combination.


Meet-Cute ideas for Fantasy Romance Stories


Habits of a Successful Writer